Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Home Remedies



Today, I was sent home from my internship because I am a miserable sniffling mess, and they didn't want me to get all the patients sick!

I decided to do all that was within my power to heal myself as quickly as possible, and hopefully I won't have to miss work tomorrow also!

 Healing Chicken Noodle Soup

64 oz of Chicken Broth (or more, my soup ended up being pretty thick)

One Whole Chicken, cut into 8 pieces

1 large onion

2-3 carrots

2-3 stalks of celery

3 TB lemon juice

10 oz of wide egg noodles

2-3 large cinnamon sticks

Fresh ginger to taste

1/2 c. finely chopped fresh parsley

2-3 TB tumeric

1/2 TB cayenne

Combine chicken broth and chicken in heavy large pot, like my lovely blue Christmas present in the picture! Bring to boil. Reduce heat; cover partially and simmer until chicken is cooked through, about 20 minutes. Transfer chicken to large bowl. Cool chicken and then discard skin and bones from chicken. Cut chicken meat into bite-size pieces and reserve.

Return broth to simmer. Add onion, carrots and celery, parsley,cinnamon, ginger, tumeric, and cayenne. Simmer until vegetables soften.

Stir in lemon juice, noodles, and reserved chicken. Simmer until noodles are tender.

I ended up adding all the fresh herbs in my fridge, and a quite a few spices I got when I was in India.. wish I could tell you what the Indian spices were, but I bought a lot of them just because they looked and smelled interesting!

*The reason, I started throwing in all these spices is because my mom told me tumeric, cayenne, and ginger were supposed to be especially good for sinus infections and colds. I thought if one is good, why not them all??  We will see how that theory pans out once I have recovered my sense of smell...:)*


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fresh Lime Soda.. salty!


I have been planning for days to blog about our big trip, but it seems way to overwhelming.

So, let me tell you about one of my favorite parts of being in India. A few days into our trip, I discovered this drink and just the thought of it got me through every crazy, hot day after that.

Fresh Lime Soda

Salty or Sweet

1/4 c. Freshly squeezed lime juice

2 tsp of salt, or 2 TB sugar/simple syrup

Club Soda

Stir together your lime juice and salt or sugar in a tall glass, then fill to the top with Club Soda. Enjoy!

I don't know anyone else who enjoys the salty version of this, most like it sweet, so it's up to you to decide if you are as crazy as I am, or not!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

This is love...


Last Valentine's day, I got it into my head that I desperately needed a bird feeder outside my kitchen window. This Christmas, I got it. This little chickadee comes to my feeder about 50 times a day. Doesn't take much to entertain this lady.. oh wait, there is one thing that I do find more entertaining!

My husband hanging out the window in 5 degree weather putting up a bird feeder and telling each and every one of my precious birds exactly what he thinks of them.


Should I be posting this picture on the internet??

Life is so good at the Varghese house.

But maybe you should check with my long suffering husband before you take my word for it, I am confident he will be getting many crowns in heaven for this.