Thursday, January 6, 2011

This is love...


Last Valentine's day, I got it into my head that I desperately needed a bird feeder outside my kitchen window. This Christmas, I got it. This little chickadee comes to my feeder about 50 times a day. Doesn't take much to entertain this lady.. oh wait, there is one thing that I do find more entertaining!

My husband hanging out the window in 5 degree weather putting up a bird feeder and telling each and every one of my precious birds exactly what he thinks of them.


Should I be posting this picture on the internet??

Life is so good at the Varghese house.

But maybe you should check with my long suffering husband before you take my word for it, I am confident he will be getting many crowns in heaven for this.


  1. hahahaha!! I can only imagine what Eric was telling these birds. I'm sure he was sooo excited to be doing that freezing cold work for you

  2. Oh Stephie I have so missed your blog! And tell Eric that since he is so experienced maybe you all should come visit us!! CrownS for sure! :)

  3. hummm I think I need one of these. Will Eric come 'install' it for me???!!

    It's been a sad week at our green pastures for me. We've been forced to put down a few of our lovely colored woodpeckers. They're killing trees, and we can't let that happen.

    It doesn't take much to make me happy either..lots of gold finches and my fav, Suzi, the female cardinal will do it!

    Good to see you back on the www.

  4. Oh how I love black-capped chicks!!! And the picture of eric hanging out the window. It reminds me of another picture i have of eric...almost in the exact same pose when he broke into your house in Blaine so tiff and i could surprise you with goldfish and a venus fly trap for your birthday. Sadly, his valiant effort was all in vain when we woke to discover that all three fish died during the night... alas... all good memories, and another reason you should ask for more bird feeders around the house.

  5. i am so glad you are blogging again! Love th picture!

  6. Ah Eric, I knew when you asked us for Stephie's hand in marriage we were indeed making a good choice to gladly accept! :)
