This really is the "London's bridges falling down" of the children's song!
I have decided to blog about our trip, already two months ago, starting from the end and going backwards!
While in England, we stayed in a beautiful town outside of London called Abingdon with Eric's kinda-sorta Aunt and her family, more about that later. While there, Eric's "Uncle" Dan took us out to London and brought us on a wonderful tour.
Here are a few pictures.
Big Ben
The beautiful Westminster Abbey where Prince William and the future Princess Kate will be getting married. It was impossible in such a crowded city to get a full shot of Westminster Abbey due to it's immense size, this picture does it no justice.
The Princess Di memorial walk.
At the time Princess Di died, I was only 9 and wasn't completely sure what the significance was. I do however remember this lady who was living with my family at the time sitting in her room with Priscilla listening to Elton John's A Candle in the Wind on repeat and using up kleenex after kleenex after kleenex! Oh the drama!!
In front of the Queen's Palace.. as close as we could get to it! She was home, she had her flag was up just like the royalty back in the 1700's to show their subjects they were home, and they were bringing in Christmas trees to decorate, which was pretty fun to watch!
Posing with a guard, yep it's true, they don't smile!
Last but not least, we saw this lady on the London Underground. What do you think her favorite color is? Yea, real mature, I know. Eric was aghast at my less than sneaky picture taking..
We have a ton more pictures of London, but I thought I would quit while I was ahead!