So I'll try not to get all sappy.. but, I'm a big fan of this guy.
Right now he is out buying chicken wire to build a fence around my garden.
Does it get any better than this?
Maybe life seems so good because I had to spend my previous years with these two goons on either side of Eric and I.
Oh wait, I still have one of those goons living in my basement..
Who knows, but here are a few of the things I have loved about the last two years:
Sitting on our lawn drinking coffee while Eric reads his bible and I... watch birds with the binoculars he gave me for our last anniversary.
Eric rating my cooking on a scale of "eeww" "eehh" or "WOW, this is AMAZING"
Watching Eric figure out how to fix or do anything via Youtube including, how to paint a wall.
Forcing Eric to take walks with Scoot and I so we can "bond".
Finding Eric every evening by 8 p.m. fast asleep, littered with dog toys that Scoot left in an attempt to coax Eric to play with him.
And the little tid bits of wisdom from Eric including:
"Steph, things from the thrift store cost money too."
"You know, when you cook, you can put things away as you go, then there is a smaller mess to clean up in the end!"
"Yea, those guys in black, they are called umpires..."
Yep. Life is good at the Varghese's.
I never knew life could be this good.
Ah.... so sweet. Happy anniversary. But have you forgiven me yet for taking a power nap during your wedding ceremony? At my age one has to take advantage of those opportune times to recharge. Besides, that is what video coverage is for right? Mom