Friday, November 19, 2010

Away we go!



We are off! We have already flown from Minneapolis to New York, New York to London, and now we are waiting for a flight to Kuwait, and then finally to India!

The picture above is our meal. A stroke above the cookies and juice on the last flight! There was even a chocolate and a toothpick!

So far we have been through security three times in the last 20 hours. I think the longer I sit on a plane, the more suspicious looking I get as I had to be thoroughly patted down and scanned for "suspicious items" (Eric says I can't say the "B" word, as they are apparently scanning the internet for cooking blogs with terrorist tendencies) on the last checkpoint. I considered making a scene about the racial profiling going on, but Eric said he would under no circumstances visit me in jail if I did so.

Now we are sitting in the London airport and Eric is enthralled by the British accents. He has been trying to talk like a native, and is falling terribly short. He is reading over my shoulder as I type and just said "what do you mean trying to talk??".

Time to fly to Kuwait!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Shower-time Education


A couple weekends ago Eric and I visited my brother David, and we were given quite the education. Just like almost every bachelor I know, David has a world map shower curtain.


Since I am the world's longest shower taker ever, I had quite the brush-up on my geography. I was almost embarrassed to admit how much I had learned, but on the car ride home Eric brought it up. "Did you realize Russia was so ginourmous??" "Half of these countries I have never even heard of!" We ended up talking about this world map for another 45 minutes, and then officially decided we needed one in our shower. Behind our pretty one! :)Obviously Public Education has done us well! Or maybe it was all the giggling I did in 7th grade geography that did me in....

I started looking around and found all sorts of shower curtains.


If I lived in New York, I could definitely use this map of the NYC Subway. I can barely find my way to the grocery store as it is.

They even have SAT words shower curtains.

And periodic table shower curtains.

GMP          006


What kind of education are you looking to get in the shower? :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Birthday Party!

Last weekend we ended up having one big Football/Halloween/Birthday party! On the menu was bacon, pink cupcakes, and crepes, as per Hadassah's demand.

We found out some interesting facts like, my Mom sure didn't get a fancy party like this when she was 5! She was pretty sure she did manage to get a nice kick-in-the-pants from Rex and Randy though.

We also had some wild trick-or-treaters. I almost got knocked down by quite a few little girls trying to make it into the "Princess Party" going on at our house. We also managed to run out of candy, and all the tiny vampires and werewolves were very displeased. I was pretty impressed with all the 16-year-old moms (yes, "all the", need I remind you, we live in Coon Rapids) getting candy "for their baby". Veeery tricky!

We had a great time, and were so happy to be able to host it!

Some of the thrilled party attendees, enjoying Favre and company.


This is Carson and Chloe brooding about Favre. Midway through the game when they finally did put in Tarvaris Jackson, Carson basically screamed for 10 minutes straight when he made the touchdown.


Hadassah, a.k.a Princess-Fairy Godmother-Queen waiting to get the party started already!!!


I was able to pick up enough flowery-pink china for all 16 of us at the thrift store, and we decorated everything in pink.


The kids with their crepes and bacon.


Some of our more serious party-goers, Larry Sr. and Larry Jr..


Singing "Happy Birthday".


Bobby in his chicken suit finally finding a part of the party he could really get into.


Eric's dad getting his baby fix with Rocky!


A Viking's cheerleader uniform from Grandpa and Grandma!


Pink cowboy boots from Uncle Carson!


Getting ready to trick or treat as a cowgirl-ballerina!


It was a pretty exciting party! I took a lot more pictures, but these were just some of the highlights!

Also, just so David doesn't get his knickers in a twist, Hadassah got some pretty cute ballerina shoes to go with her tutu and a huuge pack of Polly-Pockets from him. Hadassah is still deciding who won the Best-Uncle-Ever award.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Making a list, checkin' it twice!

We are on our way to the Motherland ( his, not mine, I think I'm German??), in 2 weeks! We got our shots, visas..almost, and let's see, we only have one million more things to do!

Here's all my drugs:


I was so mortified, I had to walk up to the counter and say, "umm, I have some extra strength anti-diarrheal medication to pick up...".

Yep, apparently it is of utmost importance to have this along, no over the counter stuff is good enough for India. Then I had to get Malaria pills, some heavy duty bug repellent so I don't get Dengue fever, and shots for everything you can think of including Hepatitis A, Typhoid, a Polio booster, and more. Oh boy.

My Doctor also recommended this. Notice they sell T-shirts!! Apparently one time she had a mishap with the squatty potties there, and lost her pants to the depths below. Does anyone remember that scene from Slumdog Millionaire? Well if you were denied the privilege of seeing this, here is a link slowed down and put to some pretty great music. It is almost worth watching to get the full effect. (This post has suddenly gone downhill at a frightening speed.)

Last but not least, a present for Felix. If you have not tried these, once you do, you will realize your life has been devoid of pleasure thus far.


There is a possibility these will never arrive in India, I don't have a huge amount of self control. Sorry Felix!