Sunday, September 12, 2010

Stepher's dad

Before our children learned how to talk, I could see that they had a sense of what was fair and what was not fair, except for Stephanie. She was pretty good with about anything that might happen as long as her mom and dad were nearby. But our older two children heard, "It's part of life" or "Life is not fair" in response to whatever commentary they might express about the current events in their life.
A few weeks back we went to a Vikings exhibition game where at the entrance gate, a security officer (a middle eastern lady in a burqa) examined us for whatever terrorist weaponry we might be bringing into the stadium. Of course the stadium had to give this lady an equal opportunity to be hired for this job. And of course this lady was not allowed to profile the people coming into the stadium--this is America. Which is good. But it's ironic. And not fair.
At the crucifixion, Pilate found himself in a most unfair situation. He really truly didn't care about this little man that the Jewish leaders insisted that he examine and then pass judgment on. The man was clearly not dangerous, or political or even crazy. Pilate tried to reason with these people and tried to give them time to rethink their mobbishness. Finally he shrugged his shoulders, washed his hands and as his own little ironical jab (at these people who suddenly decided on their loyalty to Rome so as to get their nasty way against this Man declared, "We have no king but Ceasar) had a description of this man's crime posted as, "Jesus, King of the Jews" What a joke! This wretched unlucky man was the real king of this wretched people. They might claim Caesar as their king, but Caesar was way too good for them.
The ironies are almost infinite. The unfairness of it was so great that our sins which were of the most heinous unmitigated sort were totally forgiven because of this most unholy of sacrifices--presided over by the pagan Pilate.
As we read in Hebrews 11:3, "Consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself."

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