Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A lovely Fall weekend

This last weekend we went up North for Sponsors weekend. The fall colors were out in full and it was so beautiful. Fall is my favorite time of year, and it makes me especially nostalgic about my home up north.


My mom, Priscilla, the kids and I were working on a project outside.. which I will blog about once it is finished. Sweet gloves huh?

CIMG0102wsx This was our gorgeous view as we worked.


This gorgeous little guy just hung out on the grass and cooed as we worked on our project.

Our own little Papa Larry Jr. :)


Do they come any cuter???


  1. No- they don't come cuter! So glad you shared some pics of him, first ones I've seen since his birth. What a doll!!
    I've wanted to make these 'things' since I saw your moms! Wish I was there.. ;(
    So glad your blogging- love keeping up with your little world! Better get back to mine!

  2. They are so easy to make! Do you still have rhubarb leaves?

  3. He is so cute! He could be the next gerber baby!!!
